Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Re: Hong Kong and Bali - Sharing the experience

On 11/09/2007, Tania Willis; wrote:

What a lovely idea rosee- we will send pictures from Hong Kong to the blog too

On 9/11/07 1:42 PM, "Rosemary Ufot Laurence"; wrote:

Hello All

Thanks for keeping in touch with us and letting us know how progress is coming along for the Hong Kong and Bali trip.

For those of us who can't be there, if you are able, and find the time, it will be lovely if you can email thoughts and pictures of Clare and her places for uploading to the blog. The address is below.

You can mail directly to the blog. Pictures will have to be mailed to me directly and not the blogger address.


And this is a whole HK Site

"and this is a whole HK SITE

*Ann- you might want to have a look at this site to see which names you remember clare talking about & seeing where you'd like to go


Tania Willis


"...I think it would be a good thing to use on the site, interspersed with some pics of Clare. what do you think? i will find some lantau shots too



Monday, September 10, 2007

The Beginning

On 10/09/2007, Julie Off!cer < jools_o@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Hong Kong people. (And a few others that won't be there).

I just wanted to say hello and to let you know I have booked my hotel in Hong Kong.

Because I only dreamed of having Clare's panache I have made a compromise on accommodation so for the first three night 16-19th November, I will be staying in the Silvermine beach hotel on Lantau and then will be joining Ann and Syd in the Peninsula for the last 2 nights. (I know it's what Clare would have wanted after all). I just wanted you to know where I'll be so you can find me or at least tell me where to go (please do).

This will be the first time I have been to Hong Kong without Clare being there and she, as you know, was always the best tour guide. Any tips, directions, accompanying etc is greatly appreciated. I would love to visit her old haunts once again and see where she lived.

Anyway. I hope all is well with you. I'm thinking of you and looking forward to meeting you and celebrating Clare's life Hong Kong style. Sorry for not being in touch much. I will try harder!

With love.

